Left Honolulu on 9 May 2016 for the Washington, DC metropolitan area for a number of reasons with Art for me being highest on the list. More cultural activities of all sorts here in a week than a decade in the islands, largely due to government involvement. Municipalities and state governments here make exceptional efforts compared to their island counterparts, the Fairfax Art League is just one example.
Rather than have a vacant development in City of Fairfax' "Old Towne," the city council made an arrangement with the building owner for artists to use empty units for exhibits and studio space until a tenant could be found. The League has occupied the ground floor of 3550 University St for the past three years. I joined the league in June and now have four pieces on display, and will be hosting a one man show in September.
Bishop Street (home to Hawaii's greedy and entrenched unimaginative old boy network, whose family names are synonymous with the Hawaiian Monarchy's overthrow) would never let this happen in Honolulu. As for elected government, Honolulu Hale (City Hall) is nothing more than their proxies. That is why everything from arts, and quality of life in general are impoverished. Truly sad, though because there are things that can be learned from the "mainland," but the plantation mentality is very much alive; policies and practices that don't originate in the 50th state are rarely if ever implemented.
In any case, me and mine are quite happy to have found a place where we can all thrive at last.