Saturday, August 23, 2014

Reflection 23 - Week One

Reflection 17
I started this painting a week ago. It is called Reflection 23, and like it's predecessor, Reflection 17 it ostensibly uses the ocean as a subject.

The Edvard Munch exhibit reminded me that artists can "version"; i.e. The Scream. (Makes me wonder sometimes if Vincent would have painted another Starry Night had he not shot himself.)  In part, this second version is a request: I gave Reflection 17 to Seon-Doh's parents as a gift. But she liked the painting asked me to paint her a  Reflection. So I decided to paint her a larger version using the Sulu Sea as my inspiration for this new work Reflection 23.*

The first week was spent working on the substrate; the Topolism base technique. The method has evolved: I use modeling paste in places to give the appearance that the additional substrates are "growing" out of the canvas base. I began by laying down the wave shapes using phosphorescent blue and green, which following the acrylic application  has become subtle, but discernible. This was followed with applying the elemental water shapes using various tightly defined textiles, and concluded with a spot paste application.

The work in it's first week of progress.

*we spent our first honeymoon in Boracay and the water was magnificent even if the coral reefs were not.

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