Monday, August 11, 2014

Unknown Legend

Need to rent some space in a gallery in Insadong or in Hongdae to continue my promotion. Targeting the right gallery has become my immediate focus. Gana Gallery in Insadong is expensive: between $5000-$7000 per week depending on the time of year with Fall to Christmas being the most expensive. Ironic to me because that is just about the worst time of year to go trudging around Seoul unless freezing temperature and biting wind are appealing.

Indiegogo makes most sense because it is an international crowd funding source and I believe that visual arts' know no boundaries. I am calling the project Unknown Legend— a term my wife coined for my artistic career.

Perks are going to be T-shirts, soft and hard cover catalogues of my paintings and sample canvases I create before I start on a project. They are textural sketches of the effect I want to achieve on the final canvas. I usually keep these and have made them gifts from time to time, so I am going to include a study canvas along with a t-shirt,  and hardcover catalogue as a perks for major contributors.

Need to finish off the comprehensive 2014 catalogue and come up with a "slogo" for the t-shirt, in addition to writing up the proposal that needs to make contributors reach for their PayPal by bullet point number two.

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